What Happened To Pricklee After Shark Tank?

Pricklee Company produces fruity water made from cactus, similar to coconut water, but with only 35 calories and 7 grams of sugar. Founded by five friends, it has gained significant popularity today.

In Mexico, people have been consuming this fruit for over 100 years. The drink offers clean, fruity flavors with a higher sugar content than most other fruit beverages.

Pricklee’s drink is rich in Vitamin C, flavonoids, betalains, and polyphenols, providing excellent hydration. Its taste resembles a blend of bubblegum and watermelon, recognizable only to those who have tried it.

Additionally, it supports immunity and skin health. Pricklee offers various flavors, including Strawberry Hibiscus and Mango Ginger.

Company NamePricklee
FounderKun Yang, Mohammed Hassoun, and More Three.
Producta refreshing drink made from prickly pear cactus water
Asked For$200k for 5% Equity
Final Deal$200k as a line of credit for a 5% Equity
SharkBarbara Corcoran
Episode (Shark Tank USA)S13 E22
Air DateMay 6, 2022
Business StatusIn Business
Net Worth$2 Million *estimated

Next, we will give you information about The Pricklee startup.